“You yourselves are our letter (epistle), written on our hearts, to be known and read by all and you show that you are a letter (epistle) of Christ, prepared by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
Shepistles is a multimedia storytelling project that centers Black Women’s experience and faith as a resource for healing, faith formation, and everyday living. Shepistles tackles issues that impact Black women significantly. This project includes a 3 month writing bootcamp, the creation of an anthology that will be sold as a paperback and launched at our annual event! In the future, we plan to expand this program to include a podcast and other events.
Access to writing curriculum
Personal development
One-on-one sessions
Better storytelling ability
Diverse Learning Experience
Work read by women throughout the region
Possible Newsletter Highlight
In order to be considered for Shepistles you must:
Program Participants are expected to:
Applications are open until March 31st on a rolling basis. We strongly encourage you to save your application answers in a separate document until you are ready to submit.
Got Questions?
Contact Charmaine at charmaine@womanishprojects.org